Marie-Andrée Robitaille

Marie-Andree Robitaille
© Einar Kling Odencrants

Marie-Andrée Robitaille is a multidisciplinary artist with a background in contemporary dance and circus performance. She is currently a doctoral candidate in performative and mediated practices with a specialization in choreography at Stockholm University of the Arts (SKH) in Sweden. At SKH, she was the head of the bachelor program in circus (2009–2018), where she conducted a series of artistic research projects that developed feminist strategies and alternative modes of composition. Her doctoral project Circus as a Practice of Hope looks at parallels between virtuosity and vulnerability, human activities and environment, modes of perception and points of views, movement and presence, and response-abilities.

Report during the symposium:


In her doctoral artistic project Circus as a Practice of Hope, Marie-Andrée Robitaille proposes ‘Circle as a methodology’ as an effort to counter a linear world vision. Can engaging worlds through circularity, literally andmetaphorically, revive a system of values based on a plurality of points of view, non-duality and relationalontology? Robitaille engages circularity from ‘nomadic ethical considerations’ (Braidotti, 2011), which resonate with the nomadic nature of the circus ring; moving from place to place, the ring always includes an opening for moving in and out, which allows circulation as a process of change. Through a body-reorienting practice, Robitaille investigates performing small shifts of dynamics, matters, spatialities and temporalities while observing the magnitude of differences that minute differences create. Marie-Andrée will share her research on circus as a mode of ‘fabulating the present’ and as a strategy to ‘re-circularise’ the world (Sioui, 1999).

Braidotti, R. (2011). Nomadic Subjects: Embodiment and Sexual Difference in Contemporary Feminist Theory, Second Edition. Colombia University Press.

Sioui, Georges F. (1999). Huron-Wendat: The Heritage of the Circle. UBC Press.
